Flat Fee
Trademark Services
We custom built trademark intake forms that improve our efficiencies, and we pass along that savings to you with low fixed fees.
Our Trademark Services
*fees are subject to change
Trademark Applications
1 Class
Trademark Application
Plus government filing fees
Includes one preliminary knockout availability search
Includes electronic delivery of registration certificate
2 Class
Trademark Application
Plus government filing fees
Includes one preliminary knockout availability search
Includes electronic delivery of registration certificate
3 Class
Trademark Application
Plus government filing fees
Includes one preliminary knockout availability search
Includes electronic delivery of registration certificate
Trademark Availability Searches
Trademark Office Actions
Basic Office Action
Starting at
2(d) Likelihood of Confusion Refusals
Merely Descriptive Refusals
Surname Refusals
Complete our Office Action Intake form to identify issues and receive actual pricing
Complex Office Action
Starting at
2(d) Likelihood of Confusion Refusals
Merely Descriptive Refusals
Surname Refusals
Complete our Office Action Intake form to identify issues and receive actual pricing
Trademark Maintenance Filings
Demand Letters
Simple Demand Letter
Starting at
Requires that you provide all information requested on our intake form
Limited to simple and clear infringement issues
Complex Demand Letter
Starting at
For more complex demand letters requiring fact research or more complex legal arguments
Flat Fee Pricing
1 Class
$ 699
2 Class
$ 799
3 Class
$ 899
Respond to simple ministerial office actions
One-time payment
Payment gateway
Advance sales report
Instant setup
Pre-made template
25k exclusive icons
Exclusive vectors
Bonus pack
Free support